Hi, I’m Harold! I help organizations that want to make the world better scale their work with tools, training and relationships.
I'd love to help your organization raise more money, retain your volunteers, gain better insights or untangle your data systems. Moving 1s and 0s is pretty straightforward. Data and tech projects become expensive, emotional and technically challenging though when you're asking the wrong question or answering with the wrong tool. It's my aim to help you better consider the whole of your data and technology strategy. When we're successful you save 10s of thousands of dollars, your staff trusts the tech more, we can get your staff and consultants up to speed more quickly and we don't burn out the people actually doing the work. Follow the links to see more about my competencies and who I've worked with or more about me.
When I'm not working I like traveling, having adventures and hanging with my foster dog Natalia in my hometown of Chicago, IL.
Feel free to email if you'd like to talk more about data, tools, politics, or just to hang.Have a great day!